Terms & Conditions
Aspire2 Education is an establishment that values fairness, honesty, and wellbeing of students and staff members alike. As with any organisation, there are policies in place to ensure that everyone is able to benefit from a quality experience at our campuses.
For international students visit Aspire2 International for T&C's.
This web page summarises some of the more-frequently referred to policies for your convenience.
Your enrolment at Aspire2 is subject to the following terms and conditions:
Enrolment Process
I understand that:
I will not be able to study at Aspire2 until I am enrolled as an Aspire2 student:
I will only be enrolled as an Aspire2 student when I have:
Submitted a fully completed application form; and
Received an unconditional offer of place from Aspire2; and
Accepted the unconditional offer; and
Made full payment of any fees due as set out in the offer of place; and
Received written confirmation of enrolment from Aspire2.
Enrolment Contract
I understand that the enrolment contract includes and is subject to:
These terms and conditions; and
Aspire2’s policies and procedures as set out in the published Student Handbook; and
Aspire2’s programme specific policies, regulations and procedures as set out in the published Programme handbook; and
Any further terms and conditions included in the offer of place and in any written confirmation of enrolment issued by Aspire2.
Enrolment Conditions
I understand that enrolment is subject to:
Meeting the NZ Government criteria for enrolment; and
Meeting the academic and English language requirements of the programme of study; and
Payment of full fees in advance for the whole programme (if applicable); and
Meeting NZ government tuition funding criteria (if applicable); and
Proof of a valid visa (if applicable); and
Appropriate insurance cover as below (if applicable); and
The provision of all requested documentation by Aspire2 and attendance at orientation.
I am aware that students who do not meet the above requirements will not be enrolled and will not be eligible to attend classes.
Course Selection and Programme Changes
I have reviewed the information about the programme I am applying to enroll in. I understand which courses in the programme are compulsory and that I must complete these courses to meet the academic requirements of the programme.
Some programmes contain elective courses (strands/specialisations). I understand that Aspire2 may not be able to enroll me in an elective course where:
Places are limited and oversubscribed and I am not selected; or
Insufficient numbers have subscribed for the course, and it is not cost effective for Aspire2 to continue to offer it; or
Aspire2 is not satisfied that I have made sufficient progress in the programme to enroll in the course.
I understand that programme regulations, the selection of courses, intake dates, timetables and course content may change even after I have accepted my offer of place or after I receive a confirmation of enrolment.
I acknowledge that any request for transfer of campus location is subject to availability and is at the discretion of Aspire2 and that a transfer fee is applicable.
I understand that this programme may include summer school.
Student Rights
I am aware that under New Zealand law, Aspire2 has responsibilities for the safety and wellbeing of all students. These are set out in the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021.
I am aware that there is a Student Dispute Resolution Scheme (DRS) which has been set up to help me resolve any financial or contractual disputes that I may have, as a student at Aspire2.
I am aware of the most recent NZQA evaluation results for the Aspire2 provider I am enrolling in.
If I decide not to study at Aspire2 after I have been enrolled, I have the right to a refund in accordance with Aspire2’s refund provisions as set out in the published Student handbook.
Student Obligations
I will pay all amounts owing to Aspire2 by the due date for payment. If I do not pay my fees, Aspire2 can recover any outstanding amount from me, and I will have to pay for any costs of recovery that arise.
If an international student, I understand that my enrolment and ongoing study will be subject to me having an appropriate study visa that enables me to live and study in New Zealand. I am responsible for complying with all conditions relating to my study visa. Aspire2 has the right to withdraw enrolment or decline to re-enrol me if I fail to meet visa conditions or do not produce evidence of a valid study visa for the duration of my study period.
If an international student, I understand that under the Code I must have appropriate health and travel insurance in place. More information on insurance is provided with the Unconditional Offer of a place and in the published Student handbook.
Aspire2 can hold information about students and can access and correct that information if necessary.
Information may be shared with and validated by other organisations. Other organisations include government ministries, departments and agencies, and industry training organisations, registration bodies, other tertiary institutes, previous secondary schools, students’ associations and providers of work experience.
Information sharing is required to comply with Aspire2’s obligations to government departments and agencies such as the TEC, NZQA and immigration authorities.